In general, we aim to deliver within a month, but the entire purchase period may lasts around 4-6 weeks.
Delivery costs will be calculated during check-out and vary depending on the delivery address. We ship to destinations worldwide within our shipping options from our production center and warehouse in China. Please note that on orders you might be charged duties & taxes by you local authorities.
We make every effort to deliver goods within the estimated timescales; however delays are occasionally inevitable due to unforeseen factors. We will be held no responsibility for any delay or failure to deliver the products within the estimated timescale.
If you experience any difficulties or have questions please send us an email and we will be happy to help: hi@onwear.net. We're using various carriers to ensure our shipping service qualities. All orders are fully trackable once they are shipped.
Risk of loss and damage of products passes to you on the date when the products are delivered or on the date of first attempted delivery by us.
We are under no obligation to begin production until full payment is received.
All products are made to order hence not eligible for return nor refund. However, we do offer quality guarantee. If you run into any quality issue, contact us via customer service at hi@onwear.net and we'll could provide solutions for you.

© 2017-2024 ONWEARGG LTD. All rights reserved. ONWEAR is an NPCG GAMING brand.